Background: There is a growing global movement towards open science and ensuring that health research is more transparent.
Ksenija Zečević (Ксенија Зечевић; Febru in Zadar – Novem in Belgrade) was a popular Serbian pianist and composer. She worked on film and theatre music. She worked in Belgrade. She was of Montenegrin and Istrian ancestry.Authors: Ksenija Zečević, Catherine Houghton, Chris Noone, Hopin Lee, Karen Matvienko-Sikar, Elaine Toomey.
Ксенија Зечевић (Задар, фебруар — Београд, новембар ) била је српска композиторка и пијанисткиња, позната по компоновању филмске и драмске музике, као и икона уметничког Београда осамдесетих година прошлог века. Рођена је од мајке Италијанке и оца Црногорца.This study aimed to explore the views, experiences and factors influencing open science practices amongst ECRs working in health research.
Ksenija Zecevic was born on Febru in Zadar, Croatia, Yugoslavia. She was a composer and actress, known for Daleko nebo (), The Bizarre Country () and Some Birds Can't Fly (). She was married to Egon Savin. She died on Novem in Belgrade, Serbia.
Ksenija Zecevic - This performance film is dedicated to...
Ksenija Zečević (Ксенија Зечевић; 16 de febrero de en Zadar - 21 de noviembre de en Belgrado) fue una popular pianista y compositora serbia. Trabajó en cine y música de teatro. Ksenija Zecevic - Facebook
Ksenija Zečević rođena je u Zadru, u Dalmaciji, od oca Miladina i majke Ade Gergeta. Detinjstvo je provela u zemlji maslina i čempresa, u Istri. U prapostojbini svojih istarskih italijanskih dedova i pradedova, u Puli, započinje svoje prvo muzičko obrazovanje. Ksenija Zecevic - Biography - IMDb
Ksenija Zečević (Zadar, februar — Beograd, novembar ) bila je srpska kompozitorka i pijanistkinja, poznata po komponovanju filmske i dramske muzike, kao i ikona umetničkog Beograda osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Rođena je od majke Italijanke i oca Crnogorca.
Ksenija Zecevic - Biography - IMDb
This performance film is dedicated to the loving memory of ex-Yugoslav composer KSENIJA ZECEVIC ( - ). Ksenija Zečević -
Ksenija Zečević (Ксенија Зечевић; February 16, in Zadar – November 21, in Belgrade) was a popular Serbian pianist and composer. She worked on film and theatre music. She worked in Belgrade. She was of Montenegrin and Istrian ancestry. Ksenija Zecevic - This performance film is dedicated to...
Ксенија Зечевић (Задар, фебруар — Београд, новембар ) била је српска композиторка и пијанисткиња, позната по компоновању филмске и драмске музике, као и икона уметничког Београда осамдесетих година прошлог века. Рођена је од мајке Италијанке и оца Црногорца.
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Abstract. |
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Exploring factors that influence the practice of Open Science by early career health researchers: a mixed methods study. |
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Biography. |
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Ksenija Zečević, Catherine Houghton, Chris Noone, Hopin Lee, Karen Matvienko-Sikar, Elaine Toomey. |
Ksenija ZECEVIC | University of Montenegro, Podgorica | UCG ...
Ksenija Zecevic was born on February 16, in Zadar, Croatia, Yugoslavia. She was a composer and actress, known for Daleko nebo (), The Bizarre Country () and Some Birds Can't Fly (). She was married to Egon Savin. She died on November 21, in Belgrade, Serbia. Ksenija Zečević - Ksenija Zečević (Ксенија Зечевић, born Zadar, February 16, , died Belgrade, November 21, ) was a popular Serbian pianist and composer. She worked on film and theatre music. She worked in Belgrade. She was of Montenegrin and Istrian ancestry. Filmography. - Days of Dreams; - Daleko nebo; - Timočka buna.Ksenija Zečević - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core Ksenija Zečević, autorka mnogobrojnih dela filmske i pozorišne muzike, preminula je godine u Beogradu. Rođena u Zadru, Ksenija Zečević provela je detinjstvo u Istri, a u Puli je započela muzičko obrazovanje.Omaž Kseniji Zečević | SEEcult Ksenija Zečević rođena je u Zadru, u Dalmaciji, od oca Miladina i majke Ade Gergeta. Detinjstvo je provela u zemlji maslina i čempresa, u Istri. U prapostojbini svojih istarskih italijanskih dedova i pradedova, u Puli, započinje svoje prvo muzičko obrazovanje.